JFPR Grant 9175 Sub-component A.2

Component A
Restoration of local government unit (LGU) infrastructure and provision of access to emergency employment and livelihood support. This is comprised by 3 sub-components as follows:

...Sub-component 2
Commonly referred to by the project team (and in this blog) as A.2 or A2, this sub-component supports the provision of emergency employment and livelihood using an approach that combines cash for work (CFW) programs and enterprise development in agriculture and fisheries. This sub-component involves skills-building needed to rehabilitate common structures under the CFW activities (e.g., basic masonry, carpentry, construction skills), and provision of daily wage-based income that families can use to purchase food and other basic requirements, or inputs to re-establish their livelihoods. Support for income-generating activities includes the provision of seed, fertilizer, fishing nets, fishing boats, seedlings, farming tools, and other inputs for production by poor farmers and fisher folk, provision of small equipment such as farming and trade (carpentry, masonry, electricians, hairdressers, sewing) tools, and financing of procurement, transport, storage, delivery of seed and fertilizer and improvement of agronomic practices, where needed.

An internationally recognized vocational qualification or certificate will be given to the trainees in cooperation with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and vocational institutions from other countries.

This is a $7,848,482.00 chunk of the grant, being implemented with DSWD Region 8 as Implementing Agency (IA) and Plan International as the Implementing Partner (IP) in 30 Barangays located in 11 municipalities distributed among the provinces of Eastern Samar, Samar and Leyte.

School Infrastructure Projects

ESamarBalangigaCag-olangoConstruction of 4 New Classrooms (Cag-olango Elementary School)
ESamarBalangigaCansumangkayConstruction of 1 New Classroom (Cansumangkay Elementary School)
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelConstruction of 2 New Classrooms (San Miguel Elementary School)
ESamarBalangigaSta. RosaConstruction of 2 New Classrooms (Sta. Rosa Elementary School)
ESamarBalangkayanBalogoConstruction of 2 New Classrooms (Balogo Elementary School)
ESamarBalangkayanCabayRepair of 2 Classrooms (Cabay Elementary School)
ESamarBalangkayanGuinpoliranRepair of 3 Classrooms (Guinpoliran Elementary School)
ESamarGuiuanCogonConstruction of 11 New Classrooms (Guiuan National High School)
ESamarGuiuanInapulanganConstruction of 1 New Classroom (Inapulangan Elementary School)
ESamarGuiuanSuluanConstruction of 6 New Classrooms (Suluan Integrated School)
ESamarHernaniGarawonRepair of 2 Classrooms (Garawon Elementary School)
ESamarHernaniSan IsidroConstruction of 1 New Classroom (San Isidro Elementary School)
ESamarQuinapondanBarangay 3Construction of 2 New Classrooms and Repair of 6 Classrooms (Quinapondan Central School)
LeyteBurauenBuriRepair of 2 Classrooms (Buri Elementary School)
LeyteBurauenCalsadahayConstruction of 1 New Classroom (Calsadahay Elementary School)
LeyteBurauenHapunanConstruction of 1 New Classroom & Repair of 1 Classroom (Hapunan Elementary School)
LeyteBurauenPatongConstruction of 2 New Classrooms (Patong Elementary School)
LeyteBurauenSan PabloConstruction of 4 New Classrooms (San Pablo Elementary School)
LeyteBurauenVilla AuroraConstruction of 3 New Classrooms & Repair of 1 Classroom (Villa Aurora Elementary School)
LeyteDulagSalvacionConstruction of 4 New Classrooms (Salvacion Elementary School)
LeyteKanangaAguitingRepair of 4 Classrooms (Aguiting Elementary School)
LeyteKanangaCacaoConstruction of 3 New Classrooms (Cacao Elementary School)
LeyteKanangaMontebelloRepair of 5 Classrooms (Kananga National High School)
LeyteKanangaTagaytayConstruction of 1 New Classroom & Repair of 2 Classrooms (Tagaytay Elementary School)
LeyteKanangaTugbongConstruction of 2 New Classrooms (Tugbong Elementary School)
LeyteMayorgaPob. Zone 3Construction of 3 New Classrooms (Mayorga Central Elementary School)
LeyteTanauanBisligRepair of 8 Classrooms (Bislig Elementary School)
WSamarBaseyBacubacConstruction of 2 New Classrooms (Bacubac Elementary School)
WSamarBaseyCatadmanRelocation of entire school (2 Buildings, 5 Classrooms) (Catadman Elementary School)
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinConstruction of 4 New Classrooms (Old San Agustin Elementary School)

Cash-For-Work Projects

ESamarBalangkayanBalogo[20 participants] Concreting of School Pathways (44 sq.m) [9days only]
ESamarBalangkayanBalogo[20] Concreting of Barangay Road (30 days)
ESamarBalangkayanBalogo[20] Backyard hole land filling and levelling (20 days)
ESamarBalangkayanBalogoRehab/widening of Barangay Drainage
ESamarBalangkayanBalogo[20] Re graveling of Brgy Road (aggregate base course) [9days only]
ESamarBalangkayanBalogoRepair / Rehab of Makeshift Classroom
ESamarBalangkayanBalogoWindow Grills Installation (Wooden Type)
ESamarBalangkayanBalogoCompost Pit Making
ESamarBalangkayanBalogoSchool Perimeter Wooden Pole Fencing
ESamarBalangkayanBalogoSchool Drainage
ESamarBalangkayanBalogoRepainting of School Classrooms
ESamarBalangkayanCabayGrouted Riprap (Salak River)
ESamarBalangkayanCabayGrouted Riprap & patching of Coastal Pathway
ESamarBalangkayanCabayRepair/ Rehab of Cultural Stage
ESamarBalangkayanCabayOld Plaza Perimeter Fence
ESamarBalangkayanCabayBrgy Drainage Excavation
ESamarBalangkayanCabayTree Planting (Fruit Tree and Malobago Tree)
ESamarBalangkayanCabaySeedling Briquette Production
ESamarBalangkayanGuinpoliranRehab / Upgrading of Pathway to Water Source
ESamarBalangkayanGuinpoliranSurfacing of Brgy Road
ESamarBalangkayanGuinpoliranEarth Canal Excavation
ESamarBalangigaCansumangkayExcavation of Drainage Canal
ESamarBalangigaCansumangkayDecloging of Existing Drainage Canal
ESamarBalangigaCansumangkayCommunal Garden
ESamarBalangigaCag-olangoConstruction of School Perimeter Fence (200m)
ESamarBalangigaCag-olangoDemolition of School Building
ESamarBalangigaCag-olangoRehabilitation of Water System
ESamarBalangigaCag-olangoConstruction of Vermi House
ESamarBalangigaCag-olangoTree Planting
ESamarBalangigaCag-olangoEstablishment of Vegetable Gardening (10x20)
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelConstruction of Perimeter Fence, San Miguel Elem School
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelFabrication of Drainage canal concrete cover, San Miguel Elem School
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelConstruction of Compost Pit, San Miguel Elem School
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelConstruction of Tree Guard, Farm to Market Road
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelTree Planting, Farm to Market Road
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelDeclogging of Drainage Canal, Purok 2
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelEstablishment of Demo Farm
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelVegetable Gardening
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelCorn Plantation
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelSeedling Briquette Production
ESamarBalangigaSan MiguelEstablishment of Mangrove Nursery
ESamarBalangigaSta. RosaConstruction of School Perimeter fence
ESamarBalangigaSta. RosaCompost pit
ESamarBalangigaSta. RosaDeclogging of Canal
ESamarBalangigaSta. RosaTree planting
ESamarBalangigaSta. RosaRegravelling of brgy roads
ESamarBalangigaSta. RosaRehabilitation of street lights
ESamarBalangigaSta. RosaConstruction of Vermi house
ESamarBalangigaSta. RosaSeedling Briquette Production
ESamarGuiuanCogon[8 participants] Construction of Earth Canal
ESamarGuiuanCogon[20] Construction of Compost Pit
ESamarGuiuanCogon[4] Construction of Material Recovery of Facilities (MRF)
ESamarGuiuanCogon[15] Gardening for Malnourish Children (community) (15days only)
ESamarGuiuanCogon[15] School Gardening, Guiuan National High School (15days only)
ESamarGuiuanCogon[20] Concreting of Road
ESamarGuiuanCogon[4] Construction of Roof shed for Water Pump
ESamarGuiuanCogon[4] Fixing of DCC Windows
ESamarGuiuanCogon[15] Installation of Street light Pole
ESamarGuiuanCogon[25] Demolition of Classroom , Guiuan National High School
ESamarGuiuanInapulanganUnderwater clean up
ESamarGuiuanInapulanganFabrication of Artificial coral reef
ESamarGuiuanInapulanganDam Construction: Clearing of River Ways
ESamarGuiuanInapulanganDam Construction: Filling of Gravel
ESamarGuiuanInapulanganConstruction of Bridge (Forms installation)
ESamarGuiuanInapulanganInstallation of Flaglets and bouys
ESamarGuiuanInapulanganDevelopment of Rice Farm
ESamarGuiuanInapulanganDemolition of 2 classrooms (size: 7x9)
ESamarGuiuanInapulanganRehabilitation of 300 meters irrigation canal
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[20] Burying of Water Pipe Line (from source to poblacion, 15days only)
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[20] Retrieving of erected wooden post at Sea (10 days only)
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[46] Demolition/ Dismantling of Destroyed Houses (House of donato Abulencia), All Puroks
ESamarGuiuanSuluanDismantling of Destroyed Houses ( 8units)
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[10] Demolition of School Building, Suluan Intergrated School
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[14] Clearing of access to Caves # II (10 days)
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[30] Clearing of Deepwell
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[3] Tile setting fixtures, Day Care Center(DCC) painting (6days only)
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[14] Drainage canal (10days)
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[14] Compost pit with fence (10days)
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[20] Clearing & Garbage Disposal (5days only)
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[20] Concrete wall (school fencing, 20 days)
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[17] Fencing Rear side (10days)
ESamarGuiuanSuluan[3] Removal of Tree (10days)
ESamarHernaniGarawonDemolition of Bunkhouse
ESamarHernaniGarawonPotting (Multi- nursery)
ESamarHernaniGarawonExcavation of Deepwell at Multi Purpose Nursery
ESamarHernaniGarawonCompost Pit Making
ESamarHernaniGarawonConstruction of Cottage
ESamarHernaniGarawonSchool Perimeter Wooden Pole Fencing
ESamarHernaniGarawonExcavation of Irrigation Canal, Sitio Manglos
ESamarHernaniGarawonExcavation of Earth Canal
ESamarHernaniGarawonRehabilitation of Child-Friendly Evacuation Route
ESamarHernaniSan IsidroRehabilitation of Water System ( Pipe Line)
ESamarHernaniSan IsidroRepair of 3 units Foot Bridge
ESamarHernaniSan IsidroExcavation of Drainage Canal/ Compost Pit
ESamarHernaniSan IsidroConstruction of School Perimater Fence
ESamarSalcedoBarangay 9Mangrove Nursery Establishment
ESamarQuinapondanBarangay 3Forest Tree Planting
WSamarBaseyBacubacBridge & Canal Cleaning (2-Units)
WSamarBaseyBacubacShoreline Clearing & Restoration
WSamarBaseyBacubacPainting of Daycare Center
WSamarBaseyBacubacRepair of Roofing & Sidings of Make-shift Classroom; Area= 10x7 (1-Unit)
WSamarBaseyBacubacCutting of Coconut Trees (affected by school construction)
WSamarBaseyBacubacCanal Rehabilitation (Along Brgy. Rd. L=400m, & Along Zone 5 L=80m; Assumption: W=0.5m, D=0.6m)
WSamarBaseyBacubacPainting Works ( Existing Roofing of 4-Classrooms & Junior Fence 120 Lm
WSamarBaseyBacubacMaking of Junior Fence (Concrete) 10m
WSamarBaseyBacubacExcavation of Drainage Canal (L=200, W=0.4m, D=0.35m)
WSamarBaseyCatadmanRehabilitation of Earth Canal @ Roadside (L=700m, W=0.6, D=0.6)
WSamarBaseyCatadmanConstruction of Demo House (4x10m)
WSamarBaseyCatadmanEstablishment of Earth Canal (L=150m, W=0.6, D=0.6)in school
WSamarBaseyCatadmanAccess Road
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinCanal Rehabilitation (Canal 1 = 200m, Canal 2 = 200m)
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinCleaning of Public Wells (8 Wells)
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinConstruction of Perimeter Fence
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinPainting Works(8 classrooms)
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinEarth Canal (300m)
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinEstablishment of Compost Pit (5m x 5m x 5')
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinLand Preparation
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinRehabilitation of Perimeter Fence @ Manila-ay (15m)
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinCleaning of School Wells (1 Well)
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinSchool Nursery
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinDemolition of Wooden Make-shift Building
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinEstablishment of compost pit
WSamarBaseyOld San AgustinCanal Rehabilitation
LeyteBurauenBuriCommunal Gardening (1.6 hectare)
LeyteBurauenBuriDemo Farm (0.5 hectare)
LeyteBurauenBuriEstablishment of Children's Play Ground
LeyteBurauenCalsadahayPathway (L=150+300m, W=1.0m, Thk=0.35m)
LeyteBurauenCalsadahayEstablishment of Compost pit (7 zones @2 units)
LeyteBurauenPatongExcavation of Earth Canal (L=270m, W=0.6m, D=1.0m)
LeyteBurauenPatongEstablishment of Compost Pit (3.0mWx4.0mLx1.8mD - 4 units)
LeyteBurauenPatongRepair of School Fence (Light Materials only) - 400m
LeyteBurauenPatongRepair of Recovery Room (13x10m), Light Materials only
LeyteBurauenPatongRepair Social Hall in School (4x5m)
LeyteBurauenHapunanConstruction of Drainage Canal & Road Patching
LeyteBurauenSan PabloBrgy. Road Rehabilitation (patching) L=250m
LeyteBurauenSan PabloEarth Canal (L=300m, W=0.5m, D=0.6m )
LeyteBurauenSan PabloEstablishment of compost pit per purok (7 units)
LeyteBurauenVilla AuroraFencing (Light Materials Only) 150LM
LeyteBurauenVilla AuroraFencing for GUAT Production (Light Materials Only) 450LM
LeyteBurauenVilla AuroraConstruction of Warehouse (Light Materials) 5 x 4m
LeyteBurauenVilla AuroraEstablishment of Nursery House (in School)
LeyteBurauenVilla AuroraEstablishment of Community Nursery House
LeyteBurauenVilla AuroraConstruction of Multi- Purpose Cottage (Light Materials) 3x 3m
LeyteBurauenVilla AuroraLand Development (Landscaping/ Levelling) for Crops Dryer
LeyteBurauenVilla AuroraWater Pipeline Repair & Rehabilitation
LeyteBurauenVilla AuroraFencing (Light Materials Only) 750LM (School)
LeyteDulagSalvacionRehabilitation of Multi-purpose hall fence
LeyteDulagSalvacionReplacement of Tarpaulin Roofing of the H.E. Room
LeyteDulagSalvacionRepair of barangay outpost
LeyteDulagSalvacionRepair for the concrete bench (bleacher) of the multi-purpose hall
LeyteDulagSalvacionRemoval & Replacement of Cyclone Fencing of the School Perimeter
LeyteDulagSalvacionRehabilitation of School Garden
LeyteDulagSalvacionEstablishment of compost pit per purok (5puroks)
LeyteDulagSalvacionCommunal garden per purok (5 puroks)
LeyteDulagSalvacionRoot crop nursery
LeyteDulagSalvacionEstablishment of Compost Pit in School
LeyteDulagSalvacionEarth canal
LeyteKanangaAguitingRepair/Rehabilitation of Stage
LeyteKanangaAguiting(Solid Waste Management) Repair of Existing MRF & Establishment of Compost Pit
LeyteKanangaAguitingRepair of Temporary Fence @ Rear Portion of the School Campus (Used G.I. Sheets w/ Wooden Post)
LeyteKanangaAguitingRehabilitation of drain & Link Road
LeyteKanangaAguitingRehabilitation of Water Pipeline 1000m and Cleaning/Clearing of 1 unit Water Concrete Tank
LeyteKanangaAguitingConstruction of Piggery House for ACA Project; Assumption: for 10 pigs Capacity
LeyteKanangaAguitingConstruction of Vermi Bin and Housing (1 Unit) Assumption: 4x4m
LeyteKanangaAguitingRepair & Rehabilitation of Tanod Outpost
LeyteKanangaAguitingConstruction of Daycare Center (7x8m)
LeyteKanangaAguitingRep-rap of Pathway at Sitio Balimbing (30m)
LeyteKanangaAguitingConstruction of ACA Recovery Room & Meeting Hall
LeyteKanangaCacaoWater Pipeline Repair/Rehabilitation (L= 200+100+200m)
LeyteKanangaCacaoDrainage Canal Rehabilitation (Purok Manga L=100m, Purok Tambis-Santol-Caimito L=200m)
LeyteKanangaCacaoCommunal Garden
LeyteKanangaCacaoRepair/Rehabilitation of Perimeter Fence (Cyclone Fence)
LeyteKanangaCacaoDredging of Canal
LeyteKanangaCacaoTree Planting in Community & in School
LeyteKanangaMontebelloConstruction of footstep @Zone Pluto
LeyteKanangaMontebelloDrainage Canal Rehabilitation (L=1120m, W=0.5m)
LeyteKanangaMontebelloTree Planting
LeyteKanangaMontebelloSchool Gardening & Beautification
LeyteKanangaMontebelloDemolition of Public CR
LeyteKanangaMontebelloDemolition of Nursery @ School and School Perimeter Fencing
LeyteKanangaMontebelloRepair of Material Recovery Facility (10'x14')
LeyteKanangaMontebelloRepair & Repainting of School Perimeter Fence (50m)
LeyteKanangaMontebelloRepair & Repainting of Plant Boxes (at School)
LeyteKanangaMontebelloSchool Gardening
LeyteKanangaMontebelloTampering of School Ground
LeyteKanangaMontebelloRepair & Repainting of School Furniture
LeyteKanangaMontebelloEstablishment of Warehouse for Farmer Common Service Facilities (5x9m)
LeyteKanangaMontebelloDemolition of Abandoned School CR and Rehabilitationof school Water Pipeline
LeyteKanangaMontebelloRoad Patching and Compaction 200m (From Sitio Jupiter to Highway)
LeyteKanangaTagaytayWater Pipeline Repair/Rehabilitation (L= 3000m)
LeyteKanangaTagaytayConstruction of Perimeter Fence (400LM)in School
LeyteKanangaTagaytayConstruction of Jetmatic Pump (1-set)
LeyteKanangaTagaytayExcavation of 5 School Compost Pit
LeyteKanangaTagaytayBeautification & Excavation of Temporary Drainage Canal
LeyteKanangaTagaytayDrainage Canal Declogging & Desilting @ Sitio Catuogan
LeyteKanangaTagaytayExcavation of 200m Water Pipeline
LeyteKanangaTugbongDrainage canal rehabilitation (L=600, W=0.6)
LeyteKanangaTugbongLined Canal Construction (L=70m, W=0.4m, D=0.5m)
LeyteKanangaTugbongConstruction of Make -shift Classroom; Area = 8x16(2Units, 2-CL)
LeyteKanangaTugbongMaking of Compost Pit
LeyteKanangaTugbongTree Planting
LeyteMayorgaPob. Zone 3Desilting of Existing Canal & Stablishment of Extension Earth Canal (Drainage Canal)
LeyteMayorgaPob. Zone 4Establishment of Earth Canal in School
LeyteMayorgaPob. Zone 5Derooting of Tree Trunks & Land Beautificationin school
LeyteMayorgaPob. Zone 6Painting Works (Ceiling of 10-Classroom)
LeyteTanauanBisligRepair of pathway
LeyteTanauanBisligEstablishment of compost pit (5zones)
LeyteTanauanBisligBackfilling ( brgy. Selected site)
LeyteTanauanBisligEstablishment of compost pit in school
LeyteTanauanBisligRehabilitation of school garden
LeyteTanauanBisligEstablishment of communal garden (5zones)

Unconditional Cash Transfers

ESamarBalangkayanBalogo14 beneficiaries (5 males, 9 females)
ESamarBalangkayanCabay32 beneficiaries (11 males, 21 females)
ESamarBalangkayanGuinpoliran24 beneficiaries (3 males, 11 females)
ESamarBalangigaCansumangkay20 beneficiaries (7 males, 13 females)
ESamarBalangigaCag-olango10 beneficiaries (5 males, 5 females)
ESamarBalangigaSan Miguel29 beneficiaries (14 males, 15 females)
ESamarBalangigaSta. Rosa30 beneficiaries (13 males, 17 females)
ESamarGuiuanCogon27 beneficiaries (12 males, 15 females)
ESamarGuiuanInapulangan12 beneficiaries (6 males, 6 females)
ESamarGuiuanSuluan29 beneficiaries (18 males, 11 females)
ESamarHernaniGarawon21 beneficiaries (10 males, 11 females)
ESamarHernaniSan Isidro11 beneficiaries (6 males, 5 females)
WSamarBaseyBacubac15 beneficiaries (8 males, 7 females)
WSamarBaseyCatadman20 beneficiaries (12 males, 8 females)
WSamarBaseyOld San Agustin25 beneficiaries (11 males, 14 females)
LeyteBurauenBuri21 beneficiaries (8 males, 13 females)
LeyteBurauenCalsadahay11 beneficiaries (3 males, 8 females)
LeyteBurauenPatong7 beneficiaries (4 males, 3 females)
LeyteBurauenHapunan19 beneficiaries (8 males, 11 females)
LeyteBurauenSan Pablo30 beneficiaries (16 males, 14 females)
LeyteBurauenVilla Aurora19 beneficiaries (11 males, 8 females)
LeyteDulagSalvacion17 beneficiaries (6 males, 11 females)
LeyteKanangaAguiting22 beneficiaries (7 males, 14 females)
LeyteKanangaCacao22 beneficiaries (12 males, 10 females)
LeyteKanangaMontebello27 beneficiaries (6 males, 21 females)
LeyteKanangaTagaytay22 beneficiaries (6 males, 16 females)
LeyteKanangaTugbong21 beneficiaries (7 males, 14 females)
LeyteMayorgaPob. Zone 320 beneficiaries (7 males, 13 females)
LeyteTanauanBislig23 beneficiaries (8 males, 15 females)


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