Saturday, November 28, 2015

A New Building for Salvacion Elementary School

28NOV2015. A beautiful day to remember for the pupils, teachers and parents of Salvacion Elementary School in Dulag Leyte, even for the DepEd Regional Director of Region 8.

A new building, consisting of 4 classrooms was handed over today by the ADB JFPR Grant 9175 and their implementing partner Plan International. This was in response to the sorry state of all buildings in the school after typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan - the very school where a young new teacher Ma. Luisa Bautista (now RD Ma. Luisa Bautista Yu), started her teaching career!

The ceremony started with a holy mass and blessing of the rooms where the priest in his homily said "this is a very good new year's gift as tomorrow is the first day of the liturgical year (advent)". A parent whispered, that the light shower that occurred as the building was being blessed, was a real blessing from heaven!

The DepEd Regional Director for Region VIII, who was earlier too eager and excited for this hand over ceremony, was unfortunately unable to attend due to urgent official exigencies elsewhere in the country. But she was as excitedly and ably represented by her officials, R8 Planning Officer Rita Dimakiling who delivered RD Yu's message; while Leyte Division School Supt Ronelo Firmo and Dulag South Principal-In-Charge Lea Robin took turns at thanking the donors and encouraging parents and children to make good use of the new building by sending all children to school, and taking care of the rooms when used as evacuation center.


Salvacion ES kids performed their unique way of saying "Salamat" to the donors!

Interestingly, this ceremony was so actively participated in by the school's PTA and Alumni Association who were already all over the place early in the morning, helping the teachers, kids and Plan International's CDF Jayson Laurente prepare for the joyous event. Both organizations even voluntarily prepared food for everyone who attended the ceremony!

More photos of the event at our


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