ADB's Yolanda Response

On 8 November 2013, Super Typhoon Yolanda (international name: Haiyan), devastated a huge area of Regions IVB, VI, VII, and VIII, including some of the poorest areas in the country. Yolanda was one of the most powerful typhoons recorded in history with wind gusts exceeding 315 km/h and storm surges of over four (4) meters. More than 16 million people were affected; an estimated 4.1 million people were displaced. The typhoon and resulting storm surge claimed over 6,000 lives; scores were injured and more than 1,600 people remain missing. Over a million houses were damaged or completely destroyed and livelihoods were severely impacted.

In response to the effects of Typhoon Yolanda the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has provided a package of assistance to Government of the Philippines, which includes the following:

  1. $3 million grant from the Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund, disbursed on 14 November 2013, to help meet immediate expenses to restore life-saving services;
  2. $500 million emergency assistance loan to support the post-disaster efforts of the government, 
  3. $372 million EAL to support the implementation of the government’s KALAHI–CIDDS National Community-Driven Development Project (KC-NCDDP), to restore basic social services and rebuild communities, and 
  4. A $20 million grant from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR, this project), approved by the ADB Board on 16 December 2013, to provide affected people with access to emergency support and early recovery systems. This is what most of the news and stories in this blog are all about.

ADB also established its Extended Mission to Yolanda-Affected Areas (EMY) in Tacloban to act as ADB liaison in the affected areas, monitor local conditions and developments, support overall coordination, and monitor implementation of ADB's assistance program.


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