Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bayanihan CrissCross

A real "Building Back Better STRONGER, TOGETHER" as our partners at Plan International always say.

Let's define this word first: Bayanihan (Tagalog). it means Pintakasi in Waray or Cooperative Endeavor/Effort in English or Kyōryoku-tekina doryoku (協力的な努力) in Japanese! That is our topic!

Here's the story...

The Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC) went to install solar street lights at the far little island of Suluan in Guiuan, Eastern Samar (eastern-most island of the Visayas facing the Pacific Ocean). They needed more hands to carry and erect posts.

At about the very same time and place, our implementing partner (Plan International) was organizing the community for their Cash-For-Work (CFW) Program, as part of their many interventions funded under the ADB/JFPR Grant 9175.

So, make the long story short... the jolly women of the island trooped to do just that - hauling and erecting streetlight posts for their community!

What a fantastic reality, right? Women Power and Development Groups partnering together (impromptu) to help a community!

Click here to see more of this story on FB. Don't miss the comments section!
-that's where we grabbed the pics above. thanks Uro Tahup-



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